2016年9月29日 星期四

英國文化協會東北亞區教育總監及台灣處長Susana Galván蒞校演講

今天下午本校與教育部國際及兩岸教育司合作,邀請到英國文化協會東北亞區教育總監及台灣處長Susana Galván蒞校演講,講題是Dream Big: The World is your Oyster。講者本身是西班牙裔,學了英文、中文,到過英國、中國、台灣,成為外交人員後去過馬來西亞、緬甸、台灣等多國,由她來講跨文化體驗是再適切不過了。全場以英文演講及問答,讓同學體驗英式發音的魅力,神遊不同國家的風情。

我上午至台北開會,下午趕回來時演講已接近尾聲。只來得及在演講結束後,當面向演講者致謝。聽說學生反應熱烈,演藝廳全滿,還有人坐在階梯,是一場成功的演講。Susana Galván讚許興附的同學素質佳,有很好的英文能力。感謝教務處 林隆諺 (Michael Lin)的安排,給師生們有一場國際教育的饗宴。

Dream Big: The World is your Oyster

As the series is about cross-cultural experiences, I could use my own personal life journey as a Spanish/Catalan woman, who as a young child started learning English back home and that opened my eyes to the world. From learning English I became interested in languages and other cultures, and that led me to learn Chinese, then to go overseas to study in China, UK and then Taiwan, and join the British Council, which took me to more countries such as Malaysia and Myanmar... and then back to Taiwan!

I can talk about my own perspectives on studying and living in different countries, about how understanding different cultures can build friendships, connections and trust amongst people, and hopefully, make the world a better place!

